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时代观察五十年《北京周报》在50年的办刊实践中,积累了丰富的对外宣传和出版经验,谙熟国际读者阅读需求。《北京周报》每周发行量超过9.8万份。《北京周报》吸引了越来越多从事各种对华合作与交流活动的外国人士、外国政要和专业人士的关注。《北京周报》同时也是国内外事、外经贸和各类高级专业人士必不可少的英文时事周刊。50-Year HistoryOver the past 50 years, Beijing Review has strived to maintain an objective and comprehensive reporting and is highly regarded both domestically and internationally for its effort to serve the needs of its readers.With 980,000 hits daily, the website editions are increasingly becoming an important source of accurate information on China in the electronic age.Beijing Review stands ready to offer its readers the best possible service they deserve and serve as convenient doorway leading your advertisements to go global.
发行周期:周报     总发布量:675期